For over 3,500 years, tales of "healing Aloe Vera" plants have been handed down through centuries by word of mouth. From the Bible's mention of removing Christ from the cross and wrapping his body in aloes and myrrh, (John 19:39), we find Aloe Vera mysteriously appearing in every phase of history, with many testimonials to its great medicinal values. The earliest documented use of Aloe Vera comes from the ancient Egyptians, but it was also grown and used by King Solomon, who was said to have valued it highly. Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra in order to have the Aloe for his army.
During his fabled travels in the Orient, among the many marvels recorded by Marco Polo were his descriptions of the many applications of the Aloe Vera plant. The Spanish Conquistadors discovered various herbal medicines in use in Tenochtitlán. At the heart of many of the Aztec cures, it is known that Aloe Vera was the effective agent. These Aztec herbal medicines were transported back to Europe by the Spanish, during the sixteenth century, where they became the foundation for modern Western medicine.
The benefits of Aloe vera are under rated by most of the general population.
This article will highlight some of the benefits of this 'miracle plant',
Forever Living Products offers you a complete line of nurturing products based on 100% pure aloe vera gel. Harvested by hand from our own plantations and immediately stabilized for purity, our aloe enhances your body—inside and out—with products ranging from age-defying facial treatments to delicious, antioxidant rich drinks.
My goal is to help you understand that Aloe Vera can change your life - it is one of the most powerful natural healers and yet most of us only use aloe for burns, rashes and skin irritation.
These topical skin treatments are just a small amount of what aloe vera can do for you.
When we eat aloe vera or apply it topically it is the gel, or the inside of the flesh that we are after. You must be careful as many products on the market are not the pure aloe vera gel. We only recommend one supplier for aloe products, and you can visit the store through the link at the bottom of this page.
I hope to enlighten you as to some of the life changing effects that aloe vera can have on you and your family.
These are just some of the aloe vera health benefits you can enjoy:
Aloe Vera is effective in preventing heartburn
Aloe Vera is anti inflammatory - great for arthritis
Aloe Vera is a digestive tonic
Aloe Vera can help you loose weight
Aloe Vera is anti bacterial
Aloe Vera is anti fungal
Aloe Vera is high in nutritional value
You can see there are many uses of aloe vera that most of us do not know about. For the few that do, they enjoy an overall sense of well being that most us can only dream of achieving.
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